Friday, January 20, 2012

Things to do with Cooper

I have all these ideas running around in my head about the things I want to do with Cooper when I get to stay home with him.

1. Make big soft pretzels.
2. Plant a play yard with sunflower walls and a teepee covered in some sort of vine.
3. Grow a small garden that he gets to decide what is in it.
4. Do yoga together.
5. Do little "chef" classes - he loves to help in the kitchen.
6. Read together every day, just for fun.
7. Test out every playground in the city.
8. Feed the geese our failures from number five.
9. Make suet pine cones with pine cones we gather ourselves.
10. Blow the biggest bubble ever.
11. Sidewalk chalk art contests.
12. Weekly library trips.
13. Learn the names of the stars in the sky.
14. Take walks under every full moon.
15. Hopscotch.
16. Go to the zoo a lot.
17. Visiting daddy at work for lunch.
18. Nature walks.
19. Building forts and caves in the living room.
20. Bike rides.
21. Popping popcorn on the stove.

I will not attempt to do these all at the same time, or even in the same year. But they are things I want to do.


lesliele said...

Awesome list! :-) Those are definitely things I want to do with Graham too... sometimes I have to pull back, though, since he's only 2. LOL

Becca Jones said...

Fun! The kindie curriculum I'm just about finished writing includes weekly cooking lessons, if you need ideas of what to cook with him.

Sounds like I want to come be a kid at your house, actually. Maybe after you're done with his play yard, you can make one for me....

Unknown said...

Vine teepees up here are generally made with scarlet runner beans. You get pretty red flowers and edible beans at the end of the season.

That looks like a great list!

EmmaNadine said...

I was trying to think of a vining plant that would be something he would eat right off the vine while playing. I'm not sure he would go for runner beans.

Unknown said...

Cherry tomatoes? Baby cucumbers?

Unknown said...

Sugar snap peas?

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